Evolve From Outdated Tools and Processes That Don’t Work.
SmarTrak revolutionizes the way Cisco partners manage and grow their customer base.

Transform Your Cisco Data Into Revenue!

AI-Driven Opportunity Identification: Instantly recognize sales opportunities within your customer base for contracts, renewals, and technology upgrades.

Comprehensive Account Analysis: Gain a 360-degree view of customer accounts, including equipment, contracts, and subscription data, to drive informed strategic decisions.

Automated Actionable Roadmaps: Instant customer account maps created to identify top revenue opportunities. Clear visualization of the data along with actionable AI-enhanced insights empowers Sales to open meaningful conversations.


Real-time Revenue Dashboards

SmarTrak is revolutionizing how Cisco Partners are driving high margin revenue. Instantly uncover and present revenue opportunities around Tech Refresh, Network Modernization, Coverage Optimization, and Sustainability migration along with defending your current renewals. 


Easily Identify & Prioritize Sales Opportunities

The power of SmarTrak is rooted in its simplicity. Our easy to use engine analyzes partner and customer installed base data of contracts, subscriptions and devices. We build a forward looking set of actions for Sales and CX teams and unparalleled insight for leadership. Our streamlined approach shows you what you need to work on next. 

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Maximize New Revenue Opportunities

Insights Dashboards, combined with simple searches and filters, uncover strategic growth opportunities within your install base. The platform leverages AI insights for upsell, cross-sell, and tech refresh initiatives.

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Powerful & Collaborative Quoting System

Combine and Co-Term multiple contracts into one! Maintain multiple quote versions without multiple spreadsheets. SmarTrak streamlines your sales and renewal processes allowing your team to focus on high-impact activities.

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Easy to Work at Scale

SmarTrak’s cutting-edge collaborative quoting workspace streamlines the processes. Using our state-of-the-art workspace, users can quickly perform mass updates on Start and End dates, Service Levels, Service SKUs, and Renewal Actions (Renew, Replace, Retire, Remove, Revert to previous service level, Call me), all seamlessly integrated within SmarTrak.

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State of the Art Collaboration Tools

Remove the back and forth spreadsheet nightmare and seamlessly get on the same page with your customers. SmarTrak’s robust collaborative work space delivers  significant operational efficiencies. Customers can verify assets, write and share notes on the line item level and indicate renewal actions. SmarTrak collaboration builds deeper trust and loyalty through transparency.

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Powerful Reporting

Print or download reports that bring to light:

Expiring Contracts
& Subscriptions
Replacement Items
Not Covered
End of Service
Life Items Report

Need Help Managing Your Renewals?

Deploy our professional Cisco renewals team - under your brand, our experts will manage and renew your contracts and subscriptions using our best in class application - SmarTrak.

Our customized outsourced service will give you on-demand scalability, expertise and guidance that will maximize renewals, rebates and profitability at a fraction of the cost of doing it internally.

Schedule a call to learn more about our Managed Services.